Dream of a dog playing with children

Some parents may dream of a dog playing with their kids. This dream could have been triggered by thoughts of getting a dog for the children. The kids may have expressed a desire to own a dog and take care of it. Children may like the idea of having a live animal to play with and accompany them in their daily lives. To interpret this type of dream, it can mean a desire to shower attention and love on a living thing which is able to reciprocate this love.

If you have children and have dreamed of a dog playing with children, the type of dog that is suitable might be the Picardy Sheepdog. This dog is sociable, friendly and likes to play with children.

Fluffy hair dog doodles.

In dream analysis, you can explore the possibility that the dream imagery of a child was you when you were that young. On the other hand, even if the imagery was not of you, you could also be dreaming of yourself, but in a displaced position. The displacement was to disguise the fact that you were the child in the dream. It was probably to protect you from feeling hurt or disturbed by that recall of your childhood memory. Please read a related post:

Dreaming of children doesn’t mean your kids or you as a child

When your dream contains imagery of a dog, you should look up interpretations of dogs in dreams.

This flow chart explores the different meanings of lap dog dreams.

Flow chart interpreting dreams on small dogs
Dream interpretation on toy dogs & lap dogs

If you dream of other people’s dogs, then there are different meanings attached to different types of activities of the dogs. There are two specific colors that denote different actions that may come from enemies.

This flow chart examines the different possibilities of meanings when you dream of seeing other dogs.

flow chart on dream meanings of seeing other people's dogs
Dream interpretation of seeing other dog owners’ dogs


Dream of child caring for wounded animals:

If you were psychologically hurt in. childhood, you may dream of rescuing injured small animals and nursing them back to health. This dream is a displaced dream, expressing the inner desire to heal. The inner child is wounded and wants to protect themself from exposure. That is why the dream features other characters.

Here’s a list of related posts featuring dreams with child/ children. Posts are updated when new material is ready:

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