Why its important to understand the child/ children as dream symbols

Why is it important to understand the child/ children as dream symbols?

If you dream of seeing a child, or dream of children, it can mean any one of the following:

  1. You like a child/ children.
  2. You work with a child/ children and your memories are replayed in dreams.
  3. You have an inner child who is trying to get out. You miss certain parts of your childhood who are asking to be relived.
  4. You have halted development in certain stages in your childhood. These awkward parts are asking for attention to resolve your challenges/ resentment.
  5. A child depicts innocence. There is a theme of innocence present.
  6. Along with innocence, a child also presents the theme of vulnerability.

The dream meaning that you should choose depends on your present life, your current context, and events around you.

The child as a symbol, embodies stereotypes. Below is a list of common perceptions of the child.

The child is not always obedient. Although s/he is vulnerable because of their smaller size, they have a will of their own. Often, the child can not be bullied without a fight.

  1. The child is resilient.
  2. The bullied child often grows up to become a bully.
  3. The child represses memories that hurt. They protect as a self-defence. They displace and distort facts to prevent rehashing facts.
  4. Children who were bullied and suppressed by parents grow up to dislike authority figures. They may be conditioned to accept bullying, resigning them to their fates of being in self-repeating cycles.
  5. To be continued.

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