Mindfulness to overcome anger, anxiety, depression, stress & negatives

What is Mindfulness? It means being mindful of your present moment. Being mindful concentrates your attention to what you are doing right now. It chases away the “monkey chatter” or stream of consciousness of scattered thoughts. It shoos away distractions that overload your mind which causes anxiety and other emotions. You spend energy paying attention to what you are doing and that dispels the redundant thoughts that disturb your present action. If a disturbance enters your conscious mind, focus on your present action to again chase it away. Your body is performing an action and you are fully in synchrony with it. Your mind and body are moving as one. You will feel peaceful because there is no conflict with your mind and body.

Sometimes, fiction books are written around the theme of anxiety. These books are not written in the style of self-help, but they use a plot to expound how characters can change and conquer their personal issue of anxiety. What to do about anxiety? You can learn to handle anxiety by reading psychology books, self-improvement books, and maybe, certain fictions.

Lee Hall write a short fiction story about a man who suffered from social anxiety. The book is called The Ghost Beside Me. The MC, named Edward, was an introvert who hated mingling in a crowd. He had anxieties and insecurities. After he shifted into a boarding house, he met the ghost of a woman who had committed suicide while she was a boarder in that same room he was allocated to live in. Maybe the ghost was a former psychologist/ counselor/ psychiatrist. Edward was drawn to the female ghost and he slowly lost his inhibitions. He could not make friends easily with humans, but he befriended a ghost named Molly.

Molly was haunting the room because of her past unrequited love. Ed falls in love with her and in doing so, releases her from the spell of unrequited love that had trapped her into haunting the room. Love has set Molly free. This plot twist is like a pun in the common adage, love sets you free.

Lee Hall tweets as @lhallwriter. He’s a friendly gentleman author-playwright who supports fellow writers.

I’ve read another fiction book about a character undergoing transformation into a less anxious personality – The Balance Between Life and Death by Elizabeth Holland. If you ‘re curious to read the book review, please click on the link.

Responses: .9 (before Dec. 1 2020).

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