I was dreaming of my house in a neighborhood on water

I was dreaming of my house in a neighborhood on water, where my neighbors’ homes were also built standing in water. How to travel from my house to my neighbour’s home? There were two ways to move from house to house. If I wanted to reach a neighbor’s home, I had to use a boat to row, or an electric motor powered boat to move on the water. The other method was to walk along the broadwalk which was made of wood. I saw dream imagery of the raised broadwalk, which was supported by wooden pillars and stilts above the water. Just like the foundations of every house, which was raised above the water. The broadwalk looked like a dock, except it extended to link to every house standing out there.

In my dream, I saw a motor boat sailing past. It was moving fast and splashed water on the broadwalk. My dream ended abruptly.

Dreaming of a house with strong foundations.

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