How are calculations are done in dreams? The answer is that while calculations may never be done to an exact figure, yet the approximate value can be seen or mentioned in the dream. This is because the dreamer’s unconscious mind has premeditated desires for the outcome decision, and inserted this desire in the form of a figure, which tells the direction of the decision.
For example, when a dreamer sees a certain sum of money and an expense, the outcome of the decision to spend or not to spend on the expense, depends on the budget seen in the dream. If the dreamer’s unconsciousness had decided not to spend money for that particular item, then the sum of money seen in the dream imagery would be less that the required cost that expense will incur. The contrary is true.
If the dreamer’s unconscious mind has decided to get that expense paid, then the dream imagery will feature a sum of money that is enough or more than sufficient to use towards the desired payment.