Dream interpretation crying children

If you dream crying children, there are several possible dream interpretation:

  1. Crying children can mean they are upset for a reason. If you are a woman or man who has aborted your own baby/ babies, or have children who died of other causes, then dreaming of children crying can be a figment of your imagination in dreams. If your kids are living but you don’t know how to take care of them to quickly quell their crying spells, then this dream is a stab at your parenting skills.
  2. The dream symbol of a crying child can be a reference to your inner child. You may not have taken care of yourself, your secret needs and emotional needs. Your inner child is upset and crying for attention to address the concerns.
  3. The dream interpretation of a crying child can denote your childhood. You may have suffered stress and trauma from incidents in your childhood. These are hanging over your head and prevent you from behaving in optimal ways that show your best.

The child is a symbol:

In art and recorded representations of children, they are shown as angelic, innocent and hold great importance in continuing the family lineage. Good traits are highlighted in the symbolic meanings of the child. Children are seen and not heard, such that their concerns are suppressed. Briefly, children are vulnerable and bullied. The will of the adult triumphs over the child.

Some children endure difficult childhoods to become icons, while others. fall into the cracks. The unfortunate succumb to their circumstances and even become perpetuators to repeat what they had experienced.

The young child cries helplessly. The older one may not cry but this does not mean they have endurance to stomach their circumstances.

The negative consequences will show up in repressed memories and displaced representations of children in dreams. Please read this post: Dreaming of children doesn’t mean your kids or you as a child

Patriarch and matriarch authoritative parenting:

If the child’s father is the patriarch of the family and also a strict authoritarian, the youngster usually grows up to fear and resent male authorities. This expresses in their behaviors and dreams.

Dream of child suffering physical abuse, violence and bullying:

The dreamer may have experienced extreme violence and repressed those memories. The dreams represent the inner child seeking to address their need to heal from wounds. The inner child may appear in other forms in dream imagery.

The child is a symbol that embodies qualities like

1. youth

2. innocence

3. vulnerability

4. helplessness

5. creativity.


If an adult dreams of childbirth, it does not mean delivery of a baby. The dream imagery is a metaphor for the creation of new project. When the newborn baby cries, it means the shock of entrance to the world of society, is stressful for the newly delivered child.

When a dreamer sees a dream of an animal, it can mean the dreamer has some of the animal’s traits.

Dream imagery of a birth of a living thing crying and being brought to life outside the womb can mean the thing inside incubation for 9 months has matured.

Dream imagery of delivery of the “bun in the oven” which turned out to be quiet, without fanfare, can mean the trivial manner of delivery of the project.

Dreaming of a premature delivery can mean you would have to hand in an incomplete project.

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