Did you just message me? Mindful Doodles #477

Mindful Doodles #477 – Did you just message me?

The library is so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. I heard many *ting* sounds of smart phone alerts for messages. This is a good library with obedient users. Sometimes, there are users who will continue to talk or watch their internet content without using headphones.

Free space to sit is hard to come by. Space is expensive. I used to pass by a shopping mall that had zero free space for shoppers to rest their tired legs. A few upmarket restaurants had many empty tables and seats, but would not sell drinks for patrons. Its because they said they need to sell food items on their menu. The seats are for patrons to order food and eat there. Those restaurants have a hard time trying to stay in the black.

Did you just message me?

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