Abuse is Stanford Prison Experiment all over again (updated)

Abuse is proof that human nature has cruelty. Intentional directed negative attention is abuse. A thrust of bullying stimulates glee because humans have it in them. That spark of cruelty ignites a train of abuse which may cumulate in the premature termination of further necessity of abuse. Desecration of a corpse holds less fun because there is no life to reciprocate the cruelty.

The Stanford Prison Experiment was a social experiment to show that acting “prison wardens’ who wield power over their captive “prisoners”, will debase human decency, because they are enabled by their authority.

In other social settings, family members, colleagues, superiors and literally anybody who has a mean bone in them, may be incited to act and speak abusively. Because they can.

Humans don’t care when they think there are other people around to take action. Why me? They prefer to be bystanders. This observation gave birth to the theory known as The Bystander Effect. (check the link for a detailed post).

When a woman was targeted with abuse, seven other neighbors in the same block of eight apartments refused to get involved. “There are six other neighbors. Let them do something. Why should I be the one to take action? I don’t want the inconvenience and burden.”

This is The Stanford Prison Experiment and The Bystander Effect all over again. History repeats itself because the early observations set the precedent to identify all other following incidents.

When will the abuser stop? Only when the abused dies, or when the abuser dies.

No matter the color of your skin, or maybe you have no skin at all, you can NOT kill another human being with your abuse.

Everyday abuse are found in domestic situations in spousal violence, child abuse, elderly ill treatment, power dominance with in-laws and etc.

Updated Oct. 2021

Animal abuse

The ease of taking videos and posting them online have brought to light the animal abusers. Their faces show happiness/ pleasure at the pain and discomfort of the animal. The video may also show the animal’s tears of pain or emotion. Prior to exerting animal abuse, did the abuser experience sadism which overwhelmed his empathy?

Squid Game Netflix 2021

Squid Game is discussed here because it is about abuse and how humans delight in watching abuse on their fellow beings. Unknown to themselves, they are abusing themselves by participating in sadistic games to save oneself, while eliminating others who fail to make the mark.

Squid Game earned the Number One rating in 90 countries. Humans were captivated by the reminder of inherent trait.

When a human is habituated to abusing another person, then they become insensitive to the acts and continue to do the same even without egging on by any authority. The ordinary Man becomes a type of pseudo-authority when they are enabled to show some power over another human being. This is as old as the hills. When I was in senior high school, my classmates climbed over one another in their bids to compete for coveted positions in studies that would forge their career pathways. One of my classmates said, “One more down is one fewer competitor to stack the odds against me.” I thought she was my best friend until another classmate revealed she killed me by playing indifferent to my wrong approach to studying.

Mankind (encompassing women too) returns to their natural instinctive fight for survival. Abuse is a primary tool when it wins resources and dominance.

One of my elderly relatives tried to “kill me off” to steal my position for her favorite descendant. Her method and intention cemented my hatred for them.

Abusers deceive themselves into thinking their lesser beings lose their dignity. In truth, the aggressors lose their dignity while trying to strip others.

Anupam Tripathi.
Jung Ho-Yeon.

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