The Perfect World of Miwako Sumida by Clarissa Goenawan (Book Review)

Be surprised with the characters in The Perfect World of Miwako Sumida, written by Clarissa Goenawan. They have unconventional personalities.

A young woman, all of 20 years old, takes her life and the back story is interweaved into the present narrative. Suspense, mystery, relationships, half-incest, coming of age and curiosity are blended into the plot. Our experiences shape us. Tragedies break us. We distrust ourselves to love again.

When Miwako Sumida broke under the pressure of psychological, emotional and physical blackmail, she denied herself the pleasure to return the love of her admirer. Her tormentor was himself tortured by guilt. Neither of them forgave oneself.

When broken people couldn’t heal to reciprocate in relationships in centerstage, they decide to exit backstage. Is it selfish to kill oneself? Do we leave behind more pain for the living to handle? But who are we to judge? These are hard questions to ponder over when we read about the world of Miwako Sumida. Maybe we would buckle too under similar circumstances.

Clarissa Goenawan is on Twitter as @ClaireClaire05. Go follow her!

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