#shelterandwrite prompt 3 The Setting

What is this all about?

Shelter and Write is a blog who is running writing prompts during Covid-19; #writethepandemic. Various cities and countries have gone into partial or full lockdowns to restrict movement of people (and virus). I want to participate in active writing prompts so this is my attempt. If you are joining us, please use the tag #shelterandwrite.

Here goes.

I’m not good at writing fiction or poetry. I stopped reading prose and verse seriously because of work, housework and all other excuses. When I re-started reading again, I was unable to finish one book, if I even put it down after a break. It was because my break was a foray back into doing chores, tasks and other routine mundane matters of life. By the time I could return to my reading, I had already forgotten the thread of the story.

I started drawing because I wanted to practice writing the action frame by frame. Since I could not write an entire novel, I thought I should learn to write very short scripts, like in comic strips.

I feel I’ve been through a lot in life. But for the life of me, I can’t use my real life experiences to translate them into creative writing.

I would start with The Setting but when I couldn’t write a complete story, I knew my start was wrong.


#writethepandemic Writing Prompt from – Shelter and Write Prompt 3: The Setting as A Character  #shelterandwrite

List of 30 prompts here.

Prompt 1 – word collage.

Prompt 2 – Through eyes of kids.

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