Not dreaming of unwinding

I’m not dreaming of unwinding.

Its difficult to take special time off to travel far on a trip, to unwind. It has been a few years since I traveled overseas for recreation. I’ve given up hoping to travel to take a break from routine life. Instead, I utilize almost every excursion outdoors, as a mini break to refresh and recharge myself. I love the fact that I’m still able to walk on my own accord. I have sufficient freedom to select my destination, and allocate time to accomplish my mission. Its a big deal for me.

I used to live under different circumstances, when I couldn’t walk out of the house, was unfamiliar of the geography to walk to do basic grocery shopping, had insufficient fulfillment of primary and secondary needs, was in weak health, had to spend one third of the day cooking for just five people, and was not well at all.

My life now is bliss. I can live a peaceful life. I can’t ask for more unwinding. Thank you, God.

Presently, unwinding is not urgently required.

Prompt from Weekly Prompts is unwinding.

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