Dreaming of two people talking

Dreaming of two people talking:
Dreaming of two people talking is a strong symbol. What are they speaking about? Is it something you should know? Or is it just mundane gossip which you already know? Maybe the conversation was a fragment of what you heard before. Why is this conversation being brought up in a dream? Maybe you should sit up and pay attention to the theme. It could be a clue to what is going on in your present life.

The conversation can be your brain sending a message. Your unconscious brain knows something and created this dream to talk to you.

On the other hand, the topic of discussion may not play any relevance to your situation. maybe it was nostalgia that brought up dream images of the people in the dream. Do you miss those people? Are you going to contact them in waking life? If one or two of the people are dead, then it was a nostalgia dream, remembering the old times when the people were alive.

Pie chart of dream interpretations
Pie chart on dream meanings
Dream of two people chatting.

Dream interpretation of dreaming of talking to your mother:

Dream interpretation of dreaming of talking to your mother:
dreaming of talking to your mother:


Thanks to Guido version 5, I have the opportunities to post about a wide range of themes. Here is his #drawingprompt on people chatting away.

Dreaming of two people talking pic:

Dream interpretation sitting beside someone
Dream interpretation sitting beside someone

Dreaming of two people talking here:

Dream interpretation sitting beside someone
Dream interpretation sitting beside someone

Dreaming of two people talking but their folded arms hint of being defensive or guarded in their stances:

Dream interpretation sitting beside someone
Dream interpretation sitting beside someone

Dreaming of two people talking and watching the telly, while one woman is channel surfing with a remote.

Dream interpretation sitting beside someone
Dream interpretation sitting beside someone

Dreaming of two people talking and drinking.

Dream interpretation sitting beside someone
Dream interpretation sitting beside someone

Dreaming of two people talking and relaxing with their drinks.

Dream interpretation sitting beside someone
Dream interpretation sitting beside someone

Dreaming of two people talking seated on outdoor chairs.

Dream interpretation sitting beside someone
Dream interpretation sitting beside someone

Dreaming of two people talking while seated on deck chairs outdooors.

Dream interpretation sitting beside someone
Dream interpretation sitting beside someone

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