Dream relationship difficulties (updated)

If you dream relationship difficulties, its dream interpretation is you face challenges in your relationships. These relationship difficulties can be in your work relationships, personal relationships.

Common relationship difficulties:

  1. Under-communication. Talk and discuss over disagreements.
  2. Misunderstanding.
  3. Emotional distancing.
  4. Extramarital affairs. (Cheating)
  5. Interference from third parties. (Mother-in-law, work commitments etc)
  6. Unappreciated, and taken for granted.
  7. Finances.
  8. Monotony.
  9. Insufficient resources like time, energy
  10. Dissatisfaction over sexual intimacy.

Strategies for handling relationship difficulties

  1. Talk about the problems.
  2. If intervention is required, arrange to attend individual counseling and couples therapy.
  3. Be prepared to give and take to reach a middle ground.
  4. Be accountable for promises.
  5. Continue couples therapy to relook at the progress. and revise goals if necessary.
Couple – relationship problem.