Dream about fear but unable to react to it

Have you had a dream about fear but you were unable to react to it?Usually, the human response to fear would be to fight the source that gives us fear, or take flight to escape from the source that frightens us. In real life, we may meet fear, but are unable to react to it. Here is an example.

Once, I met a physical therapist, aka physiotherapist. She told me she was on her second career after retiring from her old bank job. She worked on patients below 18, who suffered from Global Development Delay, or nerve disorders and other incurable diseases.

She was fearless. She guided her young patients in tactile sensory exercises to stimulate his receptors. When she first started on this job, she feared infection and transmission of contagious diseases. This job paid her food and bills. She swallowed her fears together with her food. Duty and work prevailed.

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