Dancing girl doodle

The song “Lime in the coconut” reminds me of how useful the coconut tree is. The young coconut seed has pulp and water. Its like a food and beverage in one seed. When I was young, I used to think coconut trees only grew along the shore because the coconuts were dispersed by water and when they were washed ashore, they sprouted and bloomed where they were “planted” by chance.

As I grew older, I saw coconut trees all over the land. They were no longer solely dispersed by water. I also noticed travel ads being marketed touting tourists enjoying coconut drinks by the beach or pool. Coconuts became synonymous with tourists by the water.

Here’s a girl dancing the hula by the beach. She’s wearing a skirt made of coconut leaves and grass.

Dancing woman at beach.

The Prompt – MLMM song “Lime in the coconut“.

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