Red Mustang from Sandi Tan’s Lurkers

This is a series on creative book reviews, whereby fan art to drawn instead of a wordy book reviews. You can search for all posts on Lurkers by using the search box and the keyword Lurkers.

I’m reading Lurkers by Sandi Tan. She’s on Twitter as @sanditan. Go follow her!

Mary-Sue Ireland is a newly minted heiress. She played her cards well to facilitate her anticipated windfall. Mary-Sue drives a red Mustang. Astute, she takes advantage of this rental vehicle to conserve her capital.

My drawings of inanimate objects are rusty. I hope to improve with practice.

Lurkers has many witty observations of life in the suburbs of California. There’s an infamous lurker in the form of a young naked girl, who appears to Raymond van der Holt, an ageing writer. Alas, he seems to prefer boy fans. Look out for the art on this lurker. Coming soon.

You can read about the nude lurker in:

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