In waking life, you could have been the target of a romantic relationship. If you were shot by Cupid’s arrow, which is a metaphorical arrow, you have been targeted by a romantic interest. If you had no idea about this in waking life, then the crush person’s behavior was subtle. Your inner consciousness may have caught hold of some clues and this nagging suspicion is played out in a dream about being shot by an arrow. Its up to your discretion on what you want to do about this interest.
However, another latent message is not so rosy. If you suspect that someone in reality is trying to harm you, then this dream is a reminder of that threat. Dream imagery of being shot by an arrow means you are vulnerable to harm and injury. Someone is taking aim at you. You can protect yourself by making preparations. In psychology, we learn there are basically two main reactions to every action (stimulus). One is to fight and the other is to take flight (run away). If the stimulus is a challenge to yourself, you can decide whether you can take up the challenge and develop skills to handle it. If the stimulus is an external one like an enemy, or competitor in sports/ business & etc, then you have to decide if you can fight the competition.
Dreaming of being shot by an arrow can mean you are targeted. You should think about this in real life. Is the person friendly or an enemy? Why are you being targeted? What are you going to do about this? These are related concerns that only you can solve. If you need help, ask your family, friends or professional like a psychologist/ psychiatrist/ social work counselor.
You may examine your conscience for clues. Have you offended anyone? Did you see anybody’s behavior which showed enmity towards you? Did you contribute to it? Should you change or modify your behaviors to reduce or eliminate expressions which Invoke hostility from others?
Meaning of dream imagery of a bow
If you see a bow (Like Cupid’s bow) in your dream, it can mean you desire a romantic relationship, but you haven’t found a partner yet. That could be why the image of a bow appeared, instead of the image of a possible romantic partner.
Shot by arrow
If you are staying in an environment where animals and plants are hostile, this theme of threats from animals will continue into your dreams.
If you have a hobby fishing by spearing, shooting arrows, or harpooning, then the memories can be activated by a trigger during the day. This can cause these memories to be replayed at night, in a dream. The dream may be modified if imagery were edited from several sources, or even newly created.
If you are involved in hunting or sport that uses the bow and arrow, you might have legitimate fears that you might get injured by stray arrows. Dreaming of being shot by arrow, is a kind of warning, to remind you to be careful and exercise proper care, when you’re in the area where arrows are used.
If you are the shooter of the arrow, it means you are the aggressor. You had wishes to obtain a certain outcome, which was why you initiated the act of shooting the arrow.
If your dream imagery showed you were shot by the arrow, it means you were the victim. This dream interpretation means you are at risk of being targeted by someone or peoples with intention to “capture” you.
Sometimes, you may dream that you were targeted by an arrow. In reality, something may have happened to show you or someone, has been selected to be at the crosshairs.
Here is a short anecdote of a woman who ran a scam to cheat investors. One day, a smart woman called her buff and she was very upset. She ranted to let off steam. She didn’t change, but sought to trap a new group of investors, to run the same ring again.
When the woman got exposed as a fraud, she wanted to shame her accuser and whistle blower. She couldn’t accept that Karma shot an arrow and gave her a dose of her own bitter medicine of targeting victims. She was blind to the fact that Karma would always catch up on those who play with her. Instead of repentance, this woman invented slanderous gossip against her foe. An elderly lady wouldn’t have it and called her out on her abusive language.
The arrow that is shot from the sky, finds its mark. Don’t mess with justice and God. The woman cheat was feeling stressed because one of her victims fought back to expose her scams.
Every action has a reaction. Bad actions give in to punishing reactions.
The angel came in the form of the official, who told the woman to leave and cool off.
Bow and arrow shootout dream
If you had been fighting in your waking day hours recently, it might trigger dreams of using weapons like bow and arrow.
Why did I see myself being shot with an arrow in dream?
Perhaps in your unconscious mind, you have a hint about being targeted for something. The arrow could be for a promotion at work, or a formation of a relationship.
Predictive Dreams versus Allegorical Dreams
Predictive dreams means you saw imagery that was simply related to your real life event. For example, if you dreamed you were shot by an arrow and it really happened soon after this dream, then it was a predictive dream.
If you are never in situations where you may get shot by an arrow, that is, you never practice shooting at the range, or you never experience being shot by any projectile, then your dream may be an allegorical dream. This means it has another level of message which is hidden in the implications.
Being shot by an arrow dream meaning:
You have to consider your personal circumstances. Does your dream pertain to a romantic meaning? Or does your dream refer to enmity in your surroundings? How did you feel in your dream? Did you feel romance or threats? How you felt in your dream will give you clues on what the dream was about.
Lovers shot by Cupid’s arrow:
Here are some art on famous, reel or ordinary couples who were shot by Cupid’s arrow.
Famous, reel couple shot by Cupid’s arrow on screen. Don Draper & Joan Harris, played by Jon Hamm & Christina Hendricks.

Julia Garner & Mark Foster were shot by Cupid’s arrow and they married.

Danica Patrick & Aaron Rodgers were shot by Cupid’s arrow.

Happy couple Anna Kendrick & Anthony Beauvillier were shot by Cupid’s arrow.

Lindsey Vonn engaged to marry P.K. Subban after being shot by Cupid’s arrow.
Angie Harmon & Greg Vaughan were shot by Cupid’s arrow.

Rachel Bilson Bill Hader became a couple after being shot by Cupid’s arrow.

Shot by Cupid’s arrow, Hilary Duff & Matthew Koma have 3 kids and are expecting their fourth child in 2024.

Ashton Kutcher & Mila Kunis are united by love’s arrow. So are ASAP Rocky & Rihanna. Kendall Jenner paired with Bad Bunny.

Covid-19 can’t separate these civilian, non-celebrity couples shot by Cupid’s arrow:

Pet couples:

If you are ever afraid, or in need of a confidence booster, read Psalm 91. If you ask for God’s help, you will be protected from harm.
Psalm 91.
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.
2 I will say to the LORD, “My refuge and my fortress,
my God, in whom I trust.”
3 For he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler
and from the deadly pestilence.
4 He will cover you with his pinions,
and under his wings you will find refuge;
his faithfulness is a shield and buckler.
5 You will not fear the terror of the night,
nor the arrow that flies by day,
6 nor the pestilence that stalks in darkness,
nor the destruction that wastes at noonday.
7 A thousand may fall at your side,
ten thousand at your right hand,
but it will not come near you.
8 You will only look with your eyes
and see the recompense of the wicked.
Dream symbolism of arrow –
The arrow means the word. To shoot arrows can mean to say words which are directed at a person. The arrow is aimed at a target, just like the words are aimed at a target. There are consequences of shooting words.
What does it mean when you dream about someone trying to shoot you with an arrow on a horse –
Someone on a horse and armed with a bow and arrow is a hunter, and the weapon is going to be used on a prey. The dream imagery suggests this activity is premeditated. Someone intends to harm you.
Other dream interpretations –
Someone may be trying to torment you by chasing you like a prey.
Dream imagery of a straight arrow, flying straight towards a target, means its origin is upright (good).
Dream imagery of broken arrow means a broken attempt to shoot at a target. This failed attempt can mean a failure to achieve a goal. Other derivative implications can be deduced. The dream symbol of a broken arrow is a warning to alert you to be aware of distraction, temptation or problem that leads to the shooter of the arrow being led astray. It can also hint at the moral downfall of a former virtuous person.
In dream analysis, you need to know for whom the arrow was shot. That is, who was the intended target of the arrow? If the target was a non-living object or animal, what was it? This knowledge is vital to dream analysis and interpretation.
Dream symbolism of the arrow also includes the phallic symbol. It’s shape and piercing trait are comparable to the male sexual organ. This meaning and its association are best understood by the dreamer. There is relevance when the dreamer relates this to their context in waking reality.
Another dream interpretation of shooting arrows
To shoot an arrow involves aiming at a target. Thus, the fundamental meaning of dreaming to shoot an arrow means the dreamer intends to aim for a goal. The dreamer, in their waking life, knows what they wish to achieve. Their innermost ardent desire may trigger a dream of shooting arrows. The motive for this dream is to reinforce the message that the dreamer has to start their plan of action, to move forwards, towards achieving their goal.
Machine Gun Kelly & Megan Fox share a Cupid’s arrow.

Updated on October 14 2021.
In Kongsberg, a small town southwest of Oslo, the capital of Norway, a shooter armed with a bow and arrows killed five people. Several more were wounded. Kongsberg is home to approximately 26000 residents. Police have arrested the assailant. The suspect’s name has not been released. Norway is one of the happiest places to live in, on earth. Mass killings are rare. After this news, some people may come forward to tell their stories of premonitions.
Wounds from arrows:
An arrow shot at you will surely cause injury. The dream imagery of an arrow can be an allegory to refer to people or someone harming you mentally, emotionally, or psychologically. When you are targeted, you will feel some emotion and react accordingly.
Iy you dream yourself as the shooter of the arrow, you have to think about why you wanted to harm your target.
If you are a male, the dream imagery of an arrow can also mean the penis.
How to interpret dream imagery of an arrow:
When we speak, words are directed at others. This means words are like an allegory to arrows. Words and arrows own potential power and energy. Dream imagery of shooting arrows can be interpreted as the shooetr directing words to communicate to a selected target (or audience).
What does it mean to dream of being shot
This dream likely means you have been hurt by words or actions done to you. If you had gotten psychologically wounded, then the stress may trigger this dream.
Dreaming of a wound caused by an arrow
If you have a festering wound (emotional or psychological) and you have yet to attend to it, then you may dream of it. Its a reminder to focus some attention to it.
Why did I have a dream about getting shot?
Why did I see myself being shot in my dream?
This is probably because you experienced being targeted recently.
Dream about someone getting shot
That person is injured. If the dreamer is a woman, then the dream imagery may refer to a sex act.
If the dreamer was shot with spiritual energy, then they get the energy resource to do something significant.
Dreams of being shot at but not hit
You were not affected by words targeted at you.
Shot by fake arrow through head
This dream imagery means the head was attacked. The dreamer’s brain needs to think about what actions of the person incited the attack.The head is the center of life for the body. Dreaming of a fake arrow through the head means it is a warning and wake-up call for change.
It takes more than Cupid’s arrow for two people to stay in love. In a conventional relationship, where one partner is male and the other female, gender differences may be the cause of misunderstanding and miscommunication.
John Gray, the author of “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus”, said “To increase co-operation both men and women need to understand each other better” (Gray, p.37). Both gender need to work out their expectations in their respective ways.
Reading self-help books, attending counselling, networking for support and other activities can increase knowledge and experience in managing friendships and relationships.
Chris Evans & Alba Baptista

Do you need emotional support after being hurt by psychological wounds?
Do you have a soft toy? It can be an aid to provide emotional and psychological support. Get a soft toy which you like. It can be a familiar icon from your childhood, or a new plushie which you like. Talk to your mascot. Tell about your sorrows and joys of your day. Share your pains and tribulations. You will feel better.
Young children use soft toys for comfort, companionship and empathy. Children grow up to substitute humans and domestic pets, in lieu of soft toys. Living things are interactive and not pretend friends. However, it may not be possible to always seek a living thing to provide communication, bonding, and fill the gaps. A soft toy is always there for you.
I like Scrump because she has a crooked smile. She looks kind of sad but still has an uplift at the corners of her mouth. When I relate my days’s event to Scrump, I feel she understands. She feels for me, as her smile shows.
Who is your favorite soft toy? How long have you owned that plushie?
Disclaimer – I may get a few cents if a reader buys a product from this link. However, that is not the main goal of recommending this product. I do so to suggest an aid to support psychological and emotional needs.
Related posts on being shot:
Meaning of dreaming being shot but is recovering.
Meaning of woman who dreams of being shot.
Dream you got shot & was dying.
Dreamed getting shot through your birthmark.
Drawings of archer standing still and archer shooting on the run: