It was May 28, 2022 when I dreamed I was cleaning a couple’s room. The elderly woman was eating to finish a bowl of fried, colorful vegetables. She wore her grey hair short, in a boyish crop.
“Where is the nearest shopping mall?” she asked me.
Strangely, I knew this area was in Upper Serangoon road. The nearest shopping center was Nex Mall.
“It is Nex Mall”, I said.
“That needs walking a bit eastwards. Time and orientation will be lost.”
“That’s very little loss”, I tried to assure her.
I suddenly remembered this old couple were strangers to me and I shouldn’t be talking to strangers. I was worried about my self-inflicted transgression that I woke up.
Dreaming of cleaning means tidying up and getting rid of dirt to improve the situation. The old woman was a dream character and she asked me a question to place the location into the context of this dream.
I couldn’t understand the real meaning behind this dream.
Updated in May 2024:
Taking a re-look into this dream, it seems to be a prophesy although back then in May 2022, I had no conscious inclination to guess the location in my dream would become real. Two years later in 2024, I rented an apartment very near to Nex Mall.
This could be a mere coincidence. Or not.