I dreamed I lost my handbag and was carrying someone else’s handbag. Under a mysterious circumstance of a big mix up, I was carrying a stranger’s handbag. I was worried and searched everywhere for the woman who lost her bag. I was eager to get my own handbag back. Suddenly, I spotted a woman carrying my handbag. I rushed up to her and showed her handbag. She was unconvinced she got the wrong bag. I told her to check in the purse, which had my ID. She opened the bag and indeed, found my purse with my ID inside. We exchanged handbags. Then I woke up.
The meaning of this dream is about threat simulation. I was threatened with the loss of my handbag. This dream reminds me to be careful in my waking life. I could lose my bag or other things if I got careless.
Pie chart on the common dream interpretations for dream imagery of losing your handbag

Dream meaning of torn handbag:
If you see a torn handbag in your dream, it is likely to mean bad news. As a handbag is an important bag where you store your essential items which you may need on your trip outdoors. A torn handbag can mean the safety of your personal belongings is at stake, because your handbag is torn and can no longer carry your belongings safely.
In real life, are you in danger of losing your personal belongings? are you going to lose your job and source of income? If yes, you won’t have money to maintain your present life style. You are in danger of losing your possessions in your handbag because you may run out of money to replace used items.
Dream of tearing handbag
If you see a dream whereby you are tearing your handbag, it can mean you should take care of your resources.
If you see a dream where somebody else is tearing your handbag, it means you should not trust others with your resources. You may get cheated, robbed or scammed.
What does it mean to change your handbag in a dream?
A change of handbag can mean a change of accessory. Has your economic situation improved? Does the change of handbag mean an upgrade to a more expensive brand? If so, then this dream foretells a better economic status for the dreamer.
If the opposite happens, like a downgrade in the change of handbag, it can mean the dreamer’s economic situation has gone bad.
Did you see yourself changing your handbag to match your clothes? In this case, we can interpret it as a change to improve the look. The dreamer has an important date/ appointment and desires to look their best. Maybe you have an important date in your personal calendar. This dream reminds you to prepare to look your best.
Dreaming of hanbok gift?
If you’re a public figure, and you hold a high office, would you accept an expensive handbag as a present? Its not a good idea. South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol’s wife, First Lady Kim Keon-hee, was secretly photographed accepting a Dior handbag, from who she thought was her father’s friend. In her defence, she did chide the pastor for presenting her an expensive gift. She accepted it nevertheless, and was exposed. In Asian cultures, it is impolite to decline a gift. Still, she should have known better and rejected it to save her reputation. She is the First Lady of South Korea. Ms Kim had also been linked with allegations of inflating her resume and manipulating the share price of Deutsche Motors (Korean), between 2009 to 2012.
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