Dreaming of queue
If you dream of having to queue anywhere, like the supermarket, departmental store, bank or post office and etc, it means you need to exercise patience. Dreaming of waiting in a queue means patience is required.
Detailed dream analysis involves asking yourself, why were you waiting in line in the queue? What was the purpose of the line of queue? This will give more meaning to the dream interpretation.
Waiting in a queue can mean order and fairness is required for the situation. If anyone jumps the queue, it means injustice, disorder and bad behavior. We’re living in a society of people where law and order must be practiced to ensure calm and peace. Another aspect of this dream means waiting for one’s due turn. If the dreamer had been wondering and asking the question of when they would get an answer or something concrete, this dream answers that.
If the dreamer sees a few queues, the dream interpretation is that they are faced with choices. For instance, which line should the dreamer join? What would the dreamer select, in order to join the correct queue?
The line of queue also means there are clear boundaries. We have to queue to wait our turn.
If the dreamer sees themselves jumping the queue and violating the boundary, it means they are willing to face the consequences of breaking the order. It signifies the daring risk taking attitude. Translated into reality, this points to the choice of taking a risk by ignoring the orderly behavior of line and queue.
Straight line queue – the dream symbolism of a straight line queue means one is able to wait for something at the beginning of the queue.
Horizontal queue – The dreamer is faced with multiple choices, of which they can only select one.
Vertical queue – This dream symbolism means the dreamer can move vertically up or down. If they choose up, it is usually the morally correct choice.
If the dreamer chooses to move down, it signifies the less dignified selection.

Dreaming of a queue can mean it is a reminder to have patience. Perhaps there is a situation in your waking life that triggers this dream. In this case, the dream imagery of queue means to wait patiently for your turn.

One night, I dreamed I was at the checkout counter of a supermarket. The cashier was about to scan the goods in my shopping basket. Then I told her to wait for my friend, because she needs to see the items being bought. Strangely, my friend arrived and came up to me at my checkout line. Then I woke up from my dream.
Supermarket queue dream interpretation
I often queued at the supermarket checkout. This dream merely replayed one of my regular activities. I did not see any latent meaning attached to this dream.

Everybody needs to buy green groceries and dry groceries.

Nightmare scene in supermarket queue.

Cats go shopping for groceries too in a parallel world of anthropomorphism. The very first cat-person to bump into is likely the in-house store security guy.

Dream of being in queue line:
In your waking life, you may have expectations of receiving something tangible or intangible. You’re waiting for your good news to arrive. You think it is coming to you, except that you have to wait in the queue line. This sense of anticipation may trigger a dream of being in a queue line.

Why is the supermarket queue important? What is the relevance of the grocery store queue?
Queueing to pay for groceries is familiar. Its so essential that the supermarket is dubbed as the “third place” by sociologist Ray Oldenberg. This means the third place where you spend a lot of time. The “first place” is your home, while the “second place” is your work place, where you spend a lot of time. Besides the grocery store queue, other possible “third places” are coffee cafes, libraries, book stores, churches, gyms and hobby clubs. If you live alone or have limited interaction with other humans, the supermarket cashier can be your only regular contact.
We dream of people, places and experiences which matter to us in one way or another. If we’re stroked by stimulating social encounters at the supermarket, we may dream of these experiences.
The human presence can be a deterrent to crimes like shoplifting. As supermarkets install rows of self-checkout counters, some shoppers take their chances to be careless at scanning goods, or intentionally omitting to bill their items. It is easy for the public to sell consumer goods on platforms like Carousell. Retailers used to report theft, shoplifting, loss, and shrinkage for financial loss.
Dreams usually involve other human characters. When the grocery stores are devoid of human staff, we seldom dream of them.
Supermarkets have responded to fight crime. They removed self checkout lanes and reinstated cashiers. They installed door greeters, aisle walkers, cameras, security and checkout staff. The return of human staff also signalled the return of dreams about supermarkets.