Do you ever dream of being an air stewardess? While on ground, you may have dreamed of getting a job as an air hostess and flying around the world. What happens when you really do land a position as a cabin crew? If you are working on a long haul flight, you may get to sleep while on board your assigned aircraft. What would you be dreaming about in the air? Before becoming a flight attendant, you used to build castles in the air with your dreams. Now that you’ve achieved your goal, would you dream of an activity that takes place only on ground?
Freud said that dreams are wish fulfillment, when reality was something else. When we have that wish come true, we would be dreaming of something else, which is our new wish.
How would you make your first dream (of becoming an air stewardess) come true? You would search for job advertisements, look at their requirements, and think about your suitability to that role. You might enroll in a training agency which runs programs to groom flight attendants. You might want to learn swimming and at least one other language which is not your native tongue. Taking concrete steps to prepare yourself to fill the shoes, is working towards fulfilling your dream.
Here is an older post which contains more details about Air Stewardess jobs.