Dream of visiting a house with Australian design

I dreamed that my family & I visited a house built or designed in Australian style. I saw dream imagery showing that the interior had a wash basin with a tap installed in the living room. Two members of my family went out walking, to see the neighborhood. They returned and one of them sorted out his clothing from his possessions. He picked out a tidy pile of clothes and told me to donate away those clothing. I was washing some clothes which had mud stains on them. After my chore, my family and I walked out of the house. And I woke up, to see that my bedside clock showed it was 5 am.

This dream happened on March 23 2024. I had never visited a house designed with Australian furnishings, nor had I visited Australia. The familiar elements in the dream was handwashing clothing. I have always hand washed stains off clothes. I could never get stains removed by using the washing machine alons. I always had to scrub, brush or rub off stubborn stains, before loading the clothing into the washer.

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