Welcome to Art Mater

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What is Art Mater?

Firstly, I’ll not pretend it was for want of a better, eligible name. All, or almost all the sensible, logical names associated to art, have been taken.

Secondly, I wanted a name to remind myself why I’m still alive and aroound. I wanted a name to honor God and His saints, without whom, I would have died in my long string of misfortunes. Those are stories that may be unraveled in due time. I chose a Latin word to honor my Mother, the Comforter of the Afflicted. I am a lowly sinner who wishes to bestow a personal tribute to honor my savior. I wish to combine my new life and works to the Mother of All Artists. I derived at a short name to signify Her great significance in my life. I chose Art Mater, which I want to denote as Mother of Art. This is a short name to fit into the way of internet domain names. Although it is a humbly invented title from a pea brain nobody, it is my poor attempt to tell everyone of my gratitude.

Thirdly, I wish to start a blog circle with like minded friends. Please leave a comment and your website/ url will be added to a post that will be seen by all. Thank you.

This website illustrates the theory of dreams, the probable meanings behind dreams, why people dream and everything else about dreams. As dreams are very visual, I’m appealing to the Mother of All Artists, to be my patron and help me with my goal.

Without much further ado, welcome to Art Mater.

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