Fried by the fry

Fried by the fry – fiction.

Mama pigeon stole a long french fry for the table’s plate discarded by a tourist. Her babies fought over the fry. The weakest could not manage to squeeze in even one bite. Mama pigeon had to fly away to search for more food. Hours later, all the babies breathed their last. The fry was poisoned. Somewhere in the city, the patron who bought the fries was also dying.

#1MinFiction, One Minute Fiction. Hosted by Cranny. We]’re supposed to look at the picture prompt and write a story for 1 minute.

Sorry for the macabre story.

fried with the fry
Man eats french fries
Fried by the fry
Food, snacks, steamed corn, french fries, apple pie.

Creative prompt:

want fries with that?

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