If you had a dream that your computer exploded, it can mean that your p.c. is having a problem, or your work that was done on your computer has a problem. The explosion is a dream symbol to say your work will be destroyed, or it will fail.
The computer stores information. When you dream of using a computer, it means you needed to access stored memories. The dream imagery of a computer can be an allegory to a storage of records of all types.
Dream interpretation of something exploded:
It means a force of energy split apart the object. Dream imagery of an explosion can refer to a new creation after the destructive force. Clearly the physical properties of the object will change.
Alternative meanings and dream interpretation that your computer exploded:

Other dream interpretations of the meaning of seeing a computer explode:
- In dreams, a computer is a symbol of work. This, it means the dreamer is reminded of their responsibilities to work, or capabilities to work to get an outcome.
- The computer is an icon of stored information, connection to data to search for information from the past, present, and trends for the future. The dreamer’s sum composite of morality, words and actions are in memories and stored in the person’s brain, which is like a computer of the human being.
A computer is a dream symbol to mean a superior machine that stores memories and can assist you in finding knowledge. If you had considered about doing something negative, then this is a warning dream.
If you had been under stress, and then dream that your computer exploded, it means your brain was overheated in facing challenging circumstances. The pent up energy was released in an explosion. The dream interpretation suggests to make changes, especially to handle the old energy, by releasing it safely.
Dreaming that something exploded is an allegory to real life anger. If the dreamer has repressed mental thoughts/ emotions/ neglected areas/ delayed change, then the unconscious mind may bring this up in dreams. The issues that had simmered on the back burner erupted for want of attention to address their needs. The dream imagery of explosions may recurr until the issues are resolved.
Dream interpretations of your computer or something that exploded: