Have you ever dreamed of flying by your own power? Imagine your freedom if you possess the ability to fly and soar in the sky. You can fly to visit any country in the world and you don’t need a passport. If you take the form of a bird, you don’t need to work in a job to earn your keep.
In dreams, the symbol of flying is usually a memory from childhood. Many children have experiences of being carried and the motion of “flying” through the air. The special feeling of weightlessness remains a strong impression. During sleeping life, the brain may recall such a childhood memory of flying, and activate that memory cell to replay the image of flying. In some dreams, the dreamer does not see themselves, but know they are present in the dream. So when an adult dreams of flying, they don’t actually see themselves as adults flying through the air. Their brain is using the old memory of childhood “flying” experiences. Some dreamers may be able to see themselves as adults flying as their brain has joined fragments of different memories together to make up a composite dream.
This post is for this week Saturday’s SoCS writing prompt “dom“.
I guess our dreams are our freedom. This was very good.