A woman from out of these parts approached me to tell her strange story. Her female boss dropped her at the top of the hill where a college was situated. She was told to wait for the boss’ son, who would be coming by bus, to pick her up. She was dressed in a blouse and matching bermudas. Her pink luggage was sitting nearby.
She asked me where the bus stop was. I pointed the direction. She said she had been waiting for the past 2 hours. I suggested she should walk over to the bus stop. She refused. She said other people would be coming to see her too. I told her that the entrance of the college was the meeting point for many people and the correct place to be. She wanted something but she didn’t say it directly. I suggested she should send a text message to her boss, of the son, to clarify that someone was coming to fetch her. I thought her story had holes. I couldn’t help a foreigner with luggage, with no clear goals.
She had nothing more to say so we parted ways.
By the time I left the area, I saw she had rolled her luggage down the hill and was talking on her cell phone. I thought she would sort out her complication by making her calls.

The guard actually thought I was disowning the luggage (which wasn’t mine). He threatened to tow it away to keep in a store room. He was faced with the task of handling a piece of unclaimed luggage and he acted on it.