Mindful Doodles #473 – Strangers sit with me
You see, I have that kind of face that strangers want to sit with me. Other tables had solo diners but these strangers chose to sit with me, and not them.
Are you used to waiting for your food? Do you make allowance to reach the place well in advance before your stomach turns hungry? A pair of men turned up at the shop to order two takeaways of fried noodles. The man who was balding was agitated. He paced back and forth. He walked past my chair and kicked it with his shoe. I was jolted because it was a kick. He was nonchalant and ignored his mis-step. His friend took the liberty to sit down at my table. Because I was alone and he assumed I wouldn’t mind sharing my table. He kept me company by being a silent sitter, politely averting his eyes as he kept them focused on his cell phone.
Finally, the cook rang the bell for the customer to collect his order. he vacated his chair. A young woman was glad to avail herself of this opportunity. She was courteous. She said, “Let me borrow this seat for a while.”