Dreaming of fire can mean several things –
- A threat of physical fire and damage.
- Metaphorical fire which suggests potential harm
- A stage of transformation where the old is burned away.
- A threat about the environment which may be harmful.
- A threat about a character who can harm you.
- A metaphorical baptism of change that is so fiery it resembles fire. It can hurt but you’ll be changed.
Dream interpretation meanings for dreaming of fire in sky. Read flow chart to follow the dream interpretations.
Prompt from The Unofficial Online Writers’ Guild August 25 2019 Sundays.
This Sunday August 25 2019 prompts are:
- Where the grass grows uphill
- A hole in the sky for the birds to fly through
- Written in fire.
Choose 1 prompt, or use all 3 in a creative word/art piece. We can also work around the prompts to invent our own creative works. Unlimited number of entries permitted.
Oh this is fun, and so different from my typical responses. Thanks for this imaginative piece and please come play again.