She doesn’t look like a hermit

Her red dress glittered. She applied matching eye shadow. She eyed her ruby necklace but decided against it. Too much red – pearls would complement the whites of her eyes instead. Being a lonely hermit, she was clueless on what to prepare for conversation. Let’s help her with some conversation starters!

Green anthropomorphic Cat-Woman
Cat-Woman all dolled up for a date.

Prompt: hosts “hermit” writings for July 3 (Thursday – Saturday entries)

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One comment

  1. The pearls are probably the better choice. As for conversation starters, I have trouble with that as well. Perhaps introducing herself and asking new people how they know the hosts of the gathering, the answer may suggest further topics. Mostly if you ask questions and wind people up, they’ll just run with the ball and talk and say you are a great conversationalist!

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