Meaning of dreaming of a letter and Dream interpretation of envelope
Some of the issues discussed are:
Mode of delivery of letter in dream:
Why you dreamed of a letter:
Does the dream symbol of a letter hold good or bad meaning?
Where does the dream symbol of a letter stand, in this age of Information Technology and paperless communication?
Can you read a letter in your dream?
Who is the sender of the letter in your dream?
A letter in a dream can be from a part of your body, to your brain:
What does it mean when the letter is from an internal source?
What does it mean when the letter is from an external source?
Meaning of dreaming about reading someone else’s letter:
Meaning of dreaming of reading a letter talking about yourself:
Dreaming of receiving a letter from a long lost acquaintance:
What is the meaning of seeing an envelope in a dream?
How dreaming of opening an envelope also relays a message:
Meaning of dreaming of seeing the sender’s name and address on the envelope:
Gleaning more meaning by reflecting on circumstances prior to getting the envelope in the dream:
What it means when you dream of an envelope on a weekday:
What it means when you dream of an envelope on a Friday:
Foretelling in the dream:
In which month did you dream of getting the envelope?
Manner of delivery of envelope has meaning:
What was the color of the envelope in your dream?
Style of envelope in dream conveys meaning:
Dream imagery of big and small envelopes:
Dream imagery of handmade envelope versus machine made envelope.
And etc.
Meaning of dreaming of a letter: Dream interpretation of envelope
What is the meaning of seeing dream imagery of a letter? Does this letter come in an envelope? Usually, by tradition, a letter is placed inside an envelope.
Mode of delivery of letter:
A letter may arrive by post, or be given to you by hand, or placed anonymously in your personal space.
The method this letter was delivered into your possession, may also bear some meaning in your dream. You have to think about your present state in life, and how the mode of delivery of the letter, relates to your situation. What does it mean when a letter arrives by your local postal service? What does it imply if the letter is personally handed to you by someone? If you see a letter on your desk because it was delivered into your space anonymously, then what does it mean?
Why you dreamed of a letter:
Dreams continue themes in your life. During your day, if you had thought about a letter, then you’re likely to dream about one. Your dream continued your daytime theme of thinking of a letter.
If you work in a job that deals with handling letters, then it is normal for you to dream about letters. Your dream continued the theme of letters since you handled them routinely during your day. In this scenario, there is no special meaning for you when you dream of seeing a letter in your dream.
If you are expecting to receive a letter as a result of starting a chain of communication, then your dream is a wish fulfilment one. You wished to receive a letter as a response, and your brain created this dream.
Does the dream symbol of a letter hold good or bad meaning?
The tradition interpretation of seeing a letter in a dream, is a good one. The dream symbol of a letter means good luck. It means you will get the anticipated news you had wished for in your waking hours.
Where does the dream symbol of a letter stand, in this age of Information Technology and paperless communication?
A letter was traditionally viewed as a mode of communication between parties who are distant in relation, or distant in geographical location. However, in the age of internet, smartphone and information technology, sending and receiving snail mail has almost become obsolete. Paper documents are reserved for formal communication where hardcopy records are necessary.
Can you read a letter in your dream?
You may be opening up the letter to read it in your dream. Many people say you can’t read in a dream. It is not possible to read and process meaning when you’re sleeping. However, reading in a dream is not the same as reading while awake. Reading in a dream can be done by assimilating and understanding what the letter purportedly holds. It is like telepathy, where you can understand the contents of the letter, even without reading it with your eyes and brain. If this is true and applicable for you, then it means the dream was a method of delivery to send you the message.
Who is the sender of the dream symbol letter?
The sender of the letter may bear direct relation to the message of your dream. Does this person hold significant importance in your life in reality? If the delivery person was a stranger, then this person is not part of the message.
A letter in a dream can be from a part of your body, to your brain:
Dream imagery of a letter can also refer to your intrapersonal communication. Parts of your body may wish to tell you something, like when they are sick and require medical attention. A letter can also imply a communication from one part of your body to another part. For example, your subconscious mind wants to tell your conscious mind a message. It can only do so by inventing a dream about a letter. Maybe an internal organ is sick and wants to tell your brain to seek medical attention for help. The organ can’t talk, except send nervous impulses to your brain. If the organ is able to send signals to tell your brain that you feel pain there, then you are aware of this message. In a dream, you may see a message like in the form of a letter, to send some news to you. This is one way of telling you something about a source that is normally speechless and can’t express itself.
What does it mean when the letter is from an external source?
If the letter was from an external source like a third party, then you should reflect on what the message was. It could be about something that was pressing at the back of your mind and your subconsciousness wanted to bring it forward to get attention. It could be a subtle message from a third party that you received during your daytime. Maybe the stimulus was ignored and swept under the carpet. Maybe the letter was a method of re-telling you the message again.
During the day, you may have an intuition or gut feeling about something. As you are over stimulated by a variety of sources, this message did not get enough attention. Dreaming about receiving this message in a letter, is a way of gaining attention to the stimulus.
Meaning of dreaming about reading someone else’s letter:
If you dream of reading a letter that is not addressed to you, nor intended for your eyes, it means that you are being told of a secret. For example, if you have a long-distance relationship with a love interest, or a family member or relative, and you dream about not receiving letters from them, it means they are not interested to maintain a relationship with you. They have drifted apart. Although they have not explicitly said this, this dream tries to tell you this message. During your day, you may be aware that the lack of communication signals the end of the relationship, but you are holding on because you are clutching at straws. This type of dream is your inner consciousness warning you to pay attention to this.
Meaning of dreaming of reading a letter talking about yourself:
Sometimes, a dream may be about you reading a letter about yourself. Obviously, this letter was written by a third party and you have stumbled upon this letter. You are reading about other people’s impressions about you. This letter may contain complimentary or unflattering descriptions about you. In reality, you probably know or have heard gossip about yourself. You may have been deeply affected by gossip and the stress has created this dream.
In our wired up world of technology and internet, we often read letters in the form of emails, smartphone messages , social media platform messaging and etc. Instead of dreaming about letters, we may dream of receiving and reading messages from digital and electronic sources. The same dream interpretations apply.
Dreaming of receiving a letter from a long-lost acquaintance:
If you dream of getting a letter or email from someone you haven’t communicated with, for a long time, this dream tells you something. You may be missing that person. This maybe a hint to you to reach out and communicate with them.
If you handle emails regularly during the day, then dreaming of sending or receiving an email, is quite ordinary. People dream of themes that they face during their daytime. Its only natural that your dream of the same theme at night.
What is the meaning of seeing an envelope in a dream?
In dreamscape, like in real life, the envelope is a symbol of written communication that is sent from one place, to a receiver at another destination. Dreaming of an envelope most certainly says you are expecting important news or document by mail. The style and format of the envelope can reveal the nature of the letter inside. If the envelope is formal, or has a return address to a company, it says the correspondence is for an official purpose. If the envelope is colored, like having the colors of a festive season, then its contents are likely to be from a friend, or a seasonal greeting.
How dreaming of opening an envelope also relays a message:
If your dream includes your act of opening the envelope, you will get the cue on what the nature of the letter is.
If you have difficulty opening the envelope, it means you will face difficulty in handling the contents of this mail.
If you see yourself opening the envelope without problems, then it means you are able to handle the assignment contained in the envelope.
Meaning of dreaming of seeing the sender’s name and address on the envelope:
Can you see the return address written on the envelope? Can you see the sender’s name? This gives a big clue on what your brain expects to happen in waking reality, in the near future. Your brain has processed information received during waking daytime and your gut feeling is something is coming from this person. Thus, your brain creates a dream image of an envelope bearing this person’s name and address.
Gleaning more meaning by reflecting on circumstances prior to getting the envelope in the dream:
What were you doing in the dream prior to receiving this envelope? Your activity before getting this envelope may also be a hint of what this envelope contains.
Where did you receive this envelope? Did you get this envelope at your home address or office address? If you received it at office, it means the envelope is related to work matters. If you received this envelope at your home address, it means the contents pertain to your personal self.
What it means when you dream of an envelope on a weekday:
When did you receive this envelope? Did you receive it on Monday? If yes, this envelope will determine the course of your week.
What it means when you dream of an envelope on a Friday:
If you received this envelope on Friday, then its contents may affect your weekend.
Foretelling in the dream:
In your dream, were you aware of why you were sent this envelope? For example, did you apply for a job, or something else that required a mail to be sent to you?
In which month did you dream of getting the envelope?
If you had this dream in a certain season of the year, the envelope may contain a greeting card, or your birthday card.
Manner of delivery of envelope has meaning:
How did you receive this dream envelope? From the postman? Or did somebody else deliver this envelope to you? Or was this envelope left mysteriously in your personal space for you to pick up and notice? All these answers will reveal clues and meanings.
The dream of receiving an envelope is closely associated with your position in reality/ waking life. If you were expecting news from somewhere, like a paper certificate, or a check payment, then this dream imagery serves to remind you to expect snail mail.
There are other factors which reveal clues about this dream image.
What was the color of the envelope in your dream?
What was the color of the envelope? Was it white, brown, beige, pink, red or a party color? The color of the envelope denotes the type of contents it holds. A boring color like white, beige and brown, usually means the letter is from a formal channel. The communication is most probably a formal one. If the envelope is in a light-hearted color like pink, red or blue, it could hold a greeting card or party invitation.
Style of envelope conveys meaning:
The style of the envelope also holds clues to the nature of its contents. If the envelope has been printed on the order of a company like a service company, government department or any other company, then the contents will be to solicit a responsible answer.
Dream imagery of big and small envelopes:
The size of the envelope in the dream imagery also matters. A big envelope may contain a company report, magazine or some important announcement. A small envelope contains a smaller announcement.
The appearance of the envelope seen in your dream gives clues as to what it can contain. The physical looks of the envelope can hint at its origins. It can tell whether it is from a personal source, or company advertisement, or bank, or utility company, your boss, or a mass mailer advertisement.
Dream imagery of handmade envelope versus machine made envelope:
Was the envelope handmade or machine made? A handmade envelope reflects your artistic talent and skill. A standard machine made or mass produced envelope would not say anything about your artistic inclination. Conversely, if the envelope was made by another person, it means you are the focus of attention from that person. You are important and special to merit receiving a special, customized envelope.
What is the meaning of opening an envelope in your dream, only to it see it is empty, without any letter or anything inside?
This dream may mean you will be disappointed at the outcome of an anticipation. There is nothing of value in the empty envelope. There could be a variety of possible guesses on why the envelope is empty. You might be not be the one to receive the good news. The time is not ripe for you to expect good news. You were deceived into anticipating something in the envelope. Another possibility is that the contents of the envelope was stolen. In waking life, you might have a competitor, who has wrestled the prize away from you. Try to recollect if you have such a competitor in your immediate environment, office surroundings or business competitor.
Meaning of dreaming of receiving spam mail
In waking life, we often receive spam mail like advertisements, brochures, business cards, discount coupons, promotional mailers and etc. Spam mail refers to unsolicited literature we didn’t ask for. Spam is also referred to in the email in-box.
What is the meaning of seeing spam mail in our post box? Perhaps during your day, you were inundated by some unwanted mail. You are being bothered to give some business and money, to sellers of services or products. This theme which you experienced during your day, becomes a memory which was activated in your sleep. You see a dream with spam mail, as this continues the theme in your daytime activities.
So far, this is the manifest meaning, which is the obvious meaning on the superficial layer of analysis. As we proceed to the next level, we investigate the latent meaning. This is the hidden meaning. Were you asked to do something which you considered troublesome or deviating from your routine? This might have triggered the creation of this dream imagery on spam, aka unwanted requests for your time, attention and resources. This diversion for your precious resources was seen as un-necessary. This dream on getting spam mail is to alert you to the fact that you are being inundated with junk mail. You are reminded to be on your guard against unwanted intrusions into your space.
Dreaming of a letter can mean you will receive a response for a question or problem.
What is the meaning of dream imagery of a letter that gives away a secret?
Sometimes in dreams, you may receive a letter which is not addressed to you. For example, if you’re female and accidentally got a letter from your boyfriend or spouse, and that letter was not addressed to you. You read the addressed reader and it has a female’s name. As you read that letter, you realize it is a love letter. Your heart sinks as you now know your sweetheart has deceived you and has been cheating by going on with another woman.
After you wake up, you ponder upon the meaning of this dream. It was probably invented after your brain processed data which gave clues that your male friend or spouse, has been cheating. Small signs were processed into information and the gut feeling triggered the dream.
Pie Chart of different types of dreams on the letter topic and theme:

There are many dream interpretations for the dream symbol of a letter. The meaning you seek depend on your unique set of factors like your context, situation, circumstances, cultural meaning of letter to you, and personal association with the symbol. Bearing in mind all these factors, you can decipher what your dream imagery is trying to remind you.
Practical aspects on writing letters:
If you really need to write a letter and continue communication writing letters, think twice before you commit on paper. Many a relationship has been terminated by letter. Write positively. Avoid weird ideas. The reader has only your letter to fathom your message and when its unclear, the miscommunication turns people off.
The End.