Is Mr Z a Lurker?

This is a creative book review. I’m drawing as I read Lurkers, by Sandi Tan. This is Bryce Zehring, one of the characters in Lurkers, a novel written by Sandi Tan.

Mr Z from Lurkers
Bryce Zehring, drama teacher in Lurkers by Sandi Tan.

Drama teacher Mr. Z drives a Nissan Maxima. He offered a lift to Rosemary Park (Lurkers, p. 49). Unknown to her, he befriends her to groom her into becoming his co-operative protege. Read on to discover what lies in store for Rosemary.

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I finished the book Lurkers. Mr. Z fails to live up to Rosemary’s expectations. He fails himself. He could not and did not come to Rosemary’s rescue when she pleaded to him to help her stay on in America. Her recently widowed mother, Mrs Park, wants to forcibly take them back to Korea.

Mr. Z groomed Rosemary to “de-flower”. Her eventual saviour was unexpectedly the reclusive neighbor.

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