Instant recall on a famous wind

This is my instant recall on a famous use of the word “wind”.

I never understood what the fuss was all about on The Wind In The Willows. I just don’t get it.

TWT Twenty Words Tuesday hosted by BulBul on week 27 prompt is wind.

Here is another try with the prompt –

The howling wind will always incite some fear and creepiness. All more if I am alone in a big building.

By the way, who likes The Wind In The Willows by K. Graham?

One comment

  1. So very true, ArtMatter, when alone winds move on to give more of a haunted vibe. Great take! Thank you for participating this week, I am glad to have you writing along.
    And I haven’t read The Wind In The Willows by K. Graham, I will sure look into it now. Thanks for the suggestion.

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