Mindful Doodles #467 – How supermarket staff are instructed
Only talk when spoken to and only offer required information.
One morning at the supermarket, I asked the store manager for fresh broccoli. He pointed to a plastic crate which was filled with fresh produce waiting to be placed on the shelf in the chiller.
Then I overheard him talking to a staff who was working at the cooked meats counter. He instructed her to avoid talking more than necessary to the customers. Only talk when asked and only answer questions. No small talk. Speak only for official interactions.
I guess a customer asked for more information than was deemed necessary. Like how long the eat would last outside the chiller.
Do you like your supermarket service staff to be chatty? Don’t you like a friendly face and voice?

I would have been very disappointed if I reached home to discover my strawberries were missing.