Driving: Sunday Writing Prompt Jan 24 2021

The Sunday Writing Prompt for Jan 24 2021 is driving. Pensitivity wrote in her blog about her learner driving experience. She has inspired me to write about mine. The original host’s post.

I was never sharp in my early adulthood. My driving instructors cheated me by not showing due diligence. I was told I made serious mistakes which earned me straight failures in my practical driving tests. I passed all my theory tests. I failed my practical tests three times but persevered because I wanted to drive in emergencies to help myself and my family.

On my fourth attempt, I was thunderstruck by a good gentleman tester. I told him it was my fourth try. He asked me why I had not attached receipts of all my previous three attempts on my testing card. I said I didn’t know I had to do that. The tester decided to pass me, although he said I made a mistake and he could have failed me.

I was very happy to get my driver’s licence. I couldn’t afford to buy a car but I was content to know I could be the emergency driver should the need arise.

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