Dreaming of boy at toy store is a familiar yet strange dream. It is familiar because everyone, young or old, goes to the toy store sometimes.
One night, a young woman dreamed she had a toddler brother. In real life, she was the lone child without siblings. In this dream, she brought her toddler brother to a toy store and he was picking out the toys he liked. The young boy could not speak many words due to his tender age. He chose the toys he liked by pointing at them and smiling to indicate his delight.
Dream interpretation of helping a younger person obtain desires:
This dream points to the suggestion that the dreamer was in a position to help a younger and weaker relative.

Dreaming of toys dream interpretation:
- Dream of toys means you still like toys.
- You may be missing a part of your childhood, which is the carefree and imaginative phase.
- You may desire to have a role which is shown in a toy. Eg. soldier, doctor, chef etc.
- This may be a message to “play”, which is to relax your mind, body and spirit.