Here are the 7 (seven) ways you can interpret your dreams. Follow this checklist to help you do dream analysis.
- Does you dream contain a memory or memories? If yes, you should do your dream interpretation based on what you desire.
- Was your dream containing the same themes as those that were in your mind during the day? If yes, that dream’s message was certainly directed at yourself.
- We’re you doing an activity that stimulated your mind? Was that experience related to the theme in your dream? If your answer is yes, your dream was likely to have been triggered by that activity. You can do your dream interpretation as such.
- Was the memory in the dream a childhood experience? Early childhood experiences made enduring impressions such that they pop up in dreams.
- If your dream included unimportant fragments of memories or non-description facts, that is because it is a familiar trait of dreams. Sometimes, you can’t make sense of a dream because it was seemingly unimportant and non-striking. This proves you own the dream.
- A dream can’t reproduce the actual experience the event induced. In fact, some dreams contained the spliced fragments of memories superimposed upon each other.
- Did you have any external sensory stimulus which may have triggered that dream? Or did you have any internal sensory excitation which triggered that dream? If answer is yes to any of these questions, it means that stimulus/ stimuli caused the dream. When you know the cause of your dream, you. Are able to interpret the meaning.

The Interpretation of Dreams by S. Freud, (p. 41-72).
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