Dream of ulotrichous hair
What does it mean to dream of ulotrichous hair? It means curly hair. Often, people who have straight hair, desire[…]
Read moreWhat does it mean to dream of ulotrichous hair? It means curly hair. Often, people who have straight hair, desire[…]
Read moreIf you have dreams of yearning, it means you have unfilled desires which your deepest recess wish to bring forward.[…]
Read moreIf you day dream of seeing monsters, it means you are troubled by problems and mental stress.
Read moreIf you dream of dirt on your body, it means you are morally soiled. You might have done something morally[…]
Read moreThis is what it looks like when I dream of a ballet of swan: Prompt – Wordless Wednesday 184. html
Read moreOnce, I dreamed of eerie evil. It didn’t have a face, just a presence. It was present in my dream[…]
Read moreWhich do you choose to use to navigate your bearings? Traditional maps or GPS? I prefer the first. I like[…]
Read moreIf you dream of looking out a window, it can mean you are temporarily feeling lost, disorientated, or confused. You[…]
Read moreIf you dream of a piano, it can mean you love listening to piano music, or love playing the piano.[…]
Read moreIf you dream of immigrants, it could be a dream based on themes you experienced about them, during your day.[…]
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