Meaning of dreaming of disappearance of something or somebody

Meaning of dreaming of disappearance of something

If you dream that something like an object has disappeared, it can mean:

  1. You are insecure.
  2. You need to use something as a clutch for emotional security.
  3. You have a guilty conscience that you are not entitled to a good, ambivalent atmosphere and something is just waiting to happen to spoil your good mood.

Meaning of dreaming of disappearance of somebody

If you dream that someone you know is going to disappear, or has disappeared, it can mean:

  1. You might lose someone due to data and information you received about that person.
  2. You are insecure and you were using that person as a clutch to hang on to your well being.
  3. You need to become independent and take care of yourself.
  4. You have nostalgia for that person and are wondering what has happened to them.
  5. You have a premonition or gut feeling that that person will disappear from your life. Your inner consciousness tells you to do something, or spend your last few moments together, before that person disappears from your life.

If the person who has disappeared, is the one who has died in reality, then your dream about them, was likely to have been triggered by old memories, nostalgia for the person, or mourning for them.

Prompt from puttingyourfeetinthedirt for Jan. 2020 – ” The disappearance of S.V. “.

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