Friendly Fill-Ins #1

This is a fun blog activity which I got from when I participated in another prompt writing activity.

Friendly Fill-Ins are easy to do. There are four statements. The first two statements are worded by Ellen of 15AndMeowing, and the last two by Lorianne The Menagerie Mom of Four-Legged Furballs. The linkup will be posted at or about 12:00 AM on Friday. Please head over to one of their sites, link up, and share your thoughts!       

1. I love it when __________________________.
2. I know it’s time to _________________ when ________________.
3. Others come to me when they need _________.
4. We should never take _________ for granted.

My responses are in bold:

1. I love it when I get to take photos of cats on the streets.
2. I know it’s time to feed my pet terrapins when they fidget in their tank.
3. Others come to me when they need a smile.
4. We should never take life for granted.

I had been thinking about practicing drawing cats and how to show readers my sketches. I guess this is a group of bloggers who might be interested to look at cat doodles.


  1. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins. I enjoyed your answers. Nice to know of another cat lover. I had to look up terrapin. I love turtles, I used to have 2 that I bought on the street in NYC. One lived to be 10, the other 12. How old are yours? Have a nice week! I hope you will join again next week.

  2. Hi, Ellen! My terrapins were purchased from a pet shop in 2016. The store refused to tell their exact age when I bought them because of a reserved fear that the terrapins would not be sold if they were not young babies. The reptiles were deliberately underfed to prevent them from growing big and showing their age. They were half the size of an adult’s thumb, but expanded quickly. Now they’re the size of an adult’s palm. The male is considerably bigger than the female terrapin. I guess he’s older than the female. These two terrapins were from the same batch in the store’s aquarium but looking at them now, I would guess they were not hatched from the same batch of eggs.

    Sure, I would love to join in Friendly Fill-Ins Friday if I have enough to say for each statement.

    May you enjoy a good week ahead.

    Thanks for visiting.

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