Why dream of a house on water is a common dream

Why dream of a house on water is a common dream? If the dreamer has seen photos and pictures of houses built over water, then the memories can be recalled in dreams. If the dreamer likes the idea of living inside a scenic house on water, the dreams may feature the heart’s desire of staying in a pretty spot.

A female dreamer said she saw her house was built on water. The setting was sunset and the sky was turning a dark blue. The house on stilts was surrounded by a wood bridge. It was rickety and gave a rustic feel to the scenery. People could walk around the house by using this ancient looking bridge. It was a photogenic spot.

This dream happened on May 11 2024.

Dream interpretations for the related themes:

I was dreaming of my house in a neighborhood on water.

Dreaming of your house surrounded by water.

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