What to do with old brushes?

Haiku in response to the photo prompt. Maximum word count is 250 words.

New brushes brush clean,

but what to do with old ones?

Refresh them, of course!

Spring cleaning. Then I remembered I hated the idea of house guests.
The cat sits on a robotic vacuum cleaner, the roomba. Cat likes the mild vibration from the roomba.

Prompt: The Unicorn Challenge 07-02-25. Its hosted on Fridays.

I was introduced to The Unicorn Challenge via https://wakefielddoctrine.com/2025/02/07/ttot-the-wakefield-doctrine-345/

Other writing links to check out and participate in:

Denise Farley’s writing prompt “rank” for a six sentence story. and her webpage with participating writers is at https://fresh.inlinkz.com/party/a70dd759a87e428db8beec68302324c


  1. Good haiku!
    And good paintings too.
    I completely understand the dislike of visitors for the spare room – especially impromptu ones.
    Actually, I hate the idea of spring cleaning too – although i do like the spring energy.
    Like the cat, I’d be in favour of the roomba.
    Good to see you at the Unicorn Challenge, especially via TToT and the Wakefield Doctrine.
    Hope you’ll be back!

  2. You made me chuckle. We turned out guest room into our cat room. It’s working just fine.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous day and week. ♥

  3. Sandee, can you please recommend some bloggers who will return visits? Or blog hosts of other blog prompts? Thank you.

  4. Hi Violet. I visited your blog story poem on the push broom but had a problem logging into wordpress to post my reply.

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