Ten Things of Thankful TToT Mar 3 – 8 2025

This is my latest list of Ten Things of Thankful TToT from Mar 3 – 8 2025.

  1. I’m thankful my family invited me to watch a movie A Complete Unknown (a biopic on Bob Dylan’s first 4 years of his professional musician career).
  2. I’m grateful for the chance to grab a snack for the theater viewing. I tried “chicken bites” & loved it. I munched through almost one serving, before the oil got the better of me and I couldn’t eat another bite. Chicken bites is like a version of popcorn chicken, with a thinner coating of batter. My family member bought chicken nuggets since it was a hit with her after the previous occasion’s taster.
  3. I get to use my experience to review the movie and food. Movie: 3 stars out of 5 stars. Food: 4 stars/ 5 stars. In case you’re feeling fatigue reading about me watching movies, you’ll feel better after reading that I have no more plans to visit the cinema hall.
  4. I found my old pencil drawings which I need to color soon. I don’t need to crack my head thinking what to draw next since I have immediate material to work on.
  5. I have a new inspiration to draw better figures, based on which I will draw fashionable clothes for my characters.
  6. I’m thankful for my church. We experienced Ash Wednesday on March 5. We’re progressing through the liturgical calendar.
  7. I’m thankful for my blogger friends, without whom blogging would be a very lonely journal.
  8. I’m thankful for regular bloggers like Wakefielddoctrine.com, messymimismeanderings.blogspot.com
  9. I’m grateful for my safety, in the face of threatening road conditions.
  10. I’m grateful for God’s protection.
  11. Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) is hosted by chief host Clark.

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