This is why parents shouldn’t share their bed with their toddler

This is why parents shouldn’t share their bed with their toddler. Winnie the Pooh met one such toddler years after Freud wrote about his childhood anxieties. The following is a fictional dialogue.

“Hi Hans! How are you? Its been 12 years since we last read about you from Dr. Freud.”

“Hello, Pooh bear. Its been a long while to 1922. I’m 19 years old now. I’m physically, mentally and psychologically well.”

“How are your parents?”

“My parents divorced and remarried. I chose to live on my own. I miss my sister as she lives with one of my parents because she’s a minor.”

“Do you have any trauma from your dad’s and Dr Freud’s psychoanalysis of your 3 and 1/2 year old self? How do you feel about your childhood anxieties?”

“That’s all water under the bridge now. I’m fine. My parents discovered they had differences and divorced.”

“Was it because of sharing their bed with you?”

“I don’t know.”

Fictional dialogue inspired by Freud, p. 121.


Freud, S. 2002. The ‘Wolfman’ and Other Cases. Penguin Classics: UK.

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