My TToT March 17 – 22 2025 ***

This is my list for Ten Things of Thankfulness, TToT, March 17 – 22 2025:

  1. I’m thankful for potential organic web traffic. Its time to prepare for many writing challenges. They are like gems for bloggers because they can bring in organic web traffic. Can you blog on a fixed theme, or on various random topics, from a to z? This is a 26 day blog challenge in April every year. Join us by signing up at A to Z Challenge at Let me know. I’ll look out for your posts. As far as I’ve read, some bloggers from this common blog circle are participating: Mimi, Sadje, & Kristi.
  2. I found National/ Global Poetry Writing Month April 2025 at If you intend to participate, please leave a comment. I’ll be happy to verse with you.
  3. I found another poetry challenge – Writers’ Digest April Poem A Day 2025 (PAD). Details can be found at Let me know if you’re in.
  4. I’m thankful to have shopped for groceries before my local weather turned bad. I read my Met news. I would have been caught unprepared and hungry otherwise.
  5. My family saved money by doing our own simple plumbing. We bailed out water from the porch’s roof using a small bucket tied to a very long pole.
  6. I got my flu shot. My local community has the flu going around like a small bush fire.
  7. I’m grateful to have caught the only copy of an old book published in 2012, before it went extinct in I’ve read 70 pages and I’m already loving The Black Isle, by Sandi Tan. Its a small island in the South China Sea, at the tip of south Thailand.
  8. I’m grateful for poets Esther Vincent’s Womb Song & Tricia Tan’s Patient History, whose books are inspirational boosts to spur me to join poetry writing, month-long challenges. I have pasted book review links on the poetry book titles.
  9. I’m thankful for discovering blogger-poet Yvette, who writes beautiful poems.
  10. I give thanks & praise to God, who has sustained me through another week.

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