Letter to Great-grandchild

Dear Future Great-grandchild,

I do not know you yet. I don’t know if you’ll ever be born, or if you would be a male or female.

I’m sorry I’m not around to speak to you in person. I started my life late and absolutely have no glimmer of hope to meet you. Unless I live past 100, which is unlikely due to my fragile state.

There are three things I wish to leave behind for you. If I had to choose only one, I would choose Number 2.

Firstly, I would leave you my diamond pendant, because a diamond lasts for eternity if it remains in your mother’s and grandmother’s possessions. They would need to preserve it for you, if they can manage their purses. Failing that, I would leave you the next best thing, which is the main guide(s) in life.

Secondly, I want to leave behind some advice. I wish you to know that you need to walk on the right path. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs explains the main occupations of almost everyone’s path. The Erik Erikson theory of Psychological Stages of mankind will provide clarification of the crisis in your journey onwards towards age.

Thirdly, I leave behind my wish of good luck to you.

Yours sincerely,


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