How to see if your man is his Mama’s boy

How to see if a man is influenced by his mother, or in colloquial terms, “How to see if your man is his Mama’s boy”!

A man can be unduly influenced by his mother because of her overpowering mother-complex.

Every man’s mother has her archetype, which in turns produces the mother-complex. This influences and disturbs her son’s masculine instincts, which may result in fantasies that are strange and scary. Some of these fantasies are homosexual inclinations, “Don Juan” behaviors and impotence.

Traits usually seen in men who are overly affected by his mom’s mother-complex:

  1. Acts like a man who loves all women (the Eros effect syndrome).
  2. Homosexuality.
  3. Empathy and Friendship.
  4. Aesthetic sense.
  5. Paternal protectionism bordering on maternalism.
  6. Traditional & conservative.
  7. Religious or interested in religion.
  8. Don Juan manly behaviors.
  9. Too ambitious.
  10. Single-minded.
  11. Slothly (regretfully lazy).
  12. Unfair because he’s too lazy to take action to correct wrongs.
  13. May sacrifice for a greater good.
  14. Stubborn if it suits his purpose.
  15. Curious.
  16. A rebel.

How many traits can you tick off to describe your man? Now can you understand why he behaves as he does?



Jung, C. G. (2003). Four Archetypes: Mother, Rebirth, Spirit, Trickster. Routledge: London and New York.

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