Fan of Crimson’s Creative Challenge #294 Wednesdays

I’m a fan of Crimson’s Creative Challenge #294 and my response is:

Vegetation, vegetation everywhere and not a leaf to eat!

Another response from my media library:

Person stands next to tree
Take what you need and waste not other oranges from tree.

Wednesdays creative prompt is from Her creative prompts are in her blog This is what Crispina Kemp says:

Every Wednesday I post a photo (this week it’s that one above.)
You respond with something CREATIVE

Here are some suggestions:

  • An answering photo
  • A cartoon
  • A joke
  • A caption
  • An anecdote
  • A short story (flash fiction)
  • A poem
  • A newly minted proverb, adage or saying
  • An essay
  • A song—the lyrics or the performance
  • You have plenty of scope and only two criteria:
  • Your creative offering is indeed yours
  • Your writing is kept to 150 words or less
  • If you post a link in the comments section of this post I’ll be able to find it. Latest post

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