Dreaming of vote buying in elections

A man named A saw elections were being held. A political party gave A, a stack of $100 notes to distribute to people. Another political party, not to be outdone, also gave A a stack of currency notes to give away to different people. A showed some of his friends, his two stacks of currency. Those people advised him not to get involved with attempted buying of votes. They told A to return the money. The man saw this dream on May 30 – 31, 2024.

Dream analysis:

This man is an immigrant from India. He spent around 30 years of his life in India. He has participated in his local area’s Elections Committee to take care of the ballot boxes on polling day. He may have experienced this event in his dream. Or maybe he was influenced by news, TV, internet & etc and being triggered, he dreamed this dream.

The theme of vote buying may be a metaphor to mean concerns like unfair manipulation, the power of money, and corruption.

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