Freud started his psychology around 1886. He made observations on his female and male patients. One of them, Dora, wore a little purse around her neck. What was more telling was the manner which she played with it. Freud wrote, “On that day, unlike any day before or after, she was wearing a little purse around her neck, in the style that was modern at the time, and played with it as she lay there, opening it up, inserting a finger, closing it again, and so on.” (Freud, p. 66)
Why microbags are worn to be seen:
Freud would be proud. He would have said, “I told you so.” The world revolves around sex. The microbag is a container and it symbolises …
Freud would not pass up his chance to say his standard interpretation of every receptacle like object. Here is a list of some of his more famous inductions:
- A room is not a room.
2. A box is not a box.
3. A jewelry box is not just a jewelry box.
4. A carriage is not a carriage.
5. A flower is not a flower.
The real reason why woman are obsessed with the microbag:
They show off their prized possession to entice interested parties. Since they can’t walk around indecently clothed, they use symbols for communication.

There are different ways to wear the microbag as a fashion accessory.

Sometimes, the microbag IS NOT just a micro handbag.
Freud, S. (2006). The Psychology of Love. Penguin Classics: Great Britain.